Jan 12, 2022Liked by Rose Loomis

I’m more and more interested in an alternative health system. Naturopaths, homeopaths, whatever. They could charge a monthly fee with a goal of optimizing health rather than just be there for illness and disease. Can they exist, or will government crush anyone not following their orders and take away licenses to practice? Can the parallel economy exist in healthcare? Does it already exist in some form?

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Same. I’m so new to alternatives to the traditional system that I don’t have answers. I started poking around and looking into things like concierge health and Medishare. Still researching but leaning more into anti Pharma type care.

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Jan 12, 2022Liked by Rose Loomis

Could be great material for your substack. The demand for a parallel economy grows by the day. The how to is the part that would be most helpful. You don’t need to be an expert on it, just talk about stuff you discover as you explore. I’ve heard about concierge too. People are opening their eyes to how horrible the healthcare system is, and a growing number of them want an alternative.

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Yes that’s kind of how I approached my Substack, more gathering tips& tricks for finding alternatives. I am not a writer or an expert just wanted a place to put my process down and share if others find it helpful. I think it’s the little things that will help even just supporting the mindset that we are not trapped in these dysfunctional systems. Thank you for the note.

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I am 3 months disemployed from the Canadian "System." This started here with the worker's party leader, Tommy Douglas, breaking the Saskatchewan Doctor's strike in 1962 or thereabouts. He has been sanctified in Canada as "The Father of Medicare." It has progressed to the point that my jurisdiction, B.C., cancelled coverage for Vitamin D testing about 4 years ago. I am dazzled that they would have known then that we would have needed this for the Covid Plandemic. Your "Obamacare" cannot help but follow a similar pathway.

The hard part is surgical needs. The system has this locked up, and when you need an appendectomy or a major fracture fixed, it's right now, no opportunity for shopping around, and your Homeopath or Chiropractor is not trained and doesn't have the facility to do it. On the other hand, the Veterinarians do pretty well in their own facilities.

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And key to all this is optimizing health. Something never once talked about with this pandemic! My European relatives were shocked to learn that in the US the “experts” never once advocated for improving one’s health in the face of coronavirus!

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Back when the ever-evolving definitions of ideological tribe still called me a "liberal" somehow, I was the only one of my lefty friends who was angrily against Obamacare as it was rolling out. (Looking back, this and a few other of Barry's policies were when I actually started tasting a red pill on my tongue, rather than more recently, as I have heretofore assumed).

To a one, they'd say, "Don't you want everyone to have healthcare?" and then, the deadly liberal weapon, accompanied with Law & Order musical sting: "DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT PEOPLE?"

(The weaponization of "unselfish" and "caring" is worthy of an entire essay.)

I pointed out, to a one, "do you understand that this is the federal government requiring private citizens to purchase private goods, and subsidizing a private business with people's tax money? Weren't you guys furious when they bailed out the banks after we all lost our jobs? What if GM asked the government for help and they punished you if you didn't buy a car every two years? What would that do to our environment? Can you imagine the waste, besides the financial hardship?"

To a one, NO ONE GOT IT. And these were liberals, listening to then-liberal Guttermouth. Don't we hate corporations, guys? Why do we want the government empowering corporations? Now let's go have a three-hour meeting with ridiculous socialist rituals.

Hey, remember when literally everyone laughed at anyone who worried about "death panels?"

Do a global search of Twatter or your favorite social toilet for the phrase "should be denied healthcare."

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022Author

It still stings big time. And John Roberts, what a failure. So many angles to this disaster.

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And why wouldn't insurance companies comply with the entity that made their day (forever and ever) by implementing Obamacare... which, contrary to most legacy media reporting, hadn't a thing to do with health care, but was actually an unspeakably large gift (er, grift) to the insurance companies and their partners in crime, Big Medicine (the hospital industrial complex).

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I've been on Christian Healthcare Ministries for the last 5 years and I'm saving a bundle. I don't have to worry about an unjabbed fee either. And they covered ALL my surgical costs from last summer.

Bonus: They don't pay for any jabs.

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I'm not a fan of the American health system which leaves a substantial number of people uncovered at a % of the budget which is larger than other countries with State systems but our own State system here in NZ is also not looking wonderful at the moment.

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Everyone that believed in single payer should be awake now to its vulnerability to medical authoritarianism. Government paying all the bills means government dictates all the treatment. What a total nightmare.

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Also applies to Universities here.

Although I'm awake to that problem how do you fix a system up that has excluded a significant % of the population from basic care while providing cosmetic surgery to others?

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Absolutely no one is excluded from basic care in the United States.

I have been in emergency rooms that resemble Kafkaesque horror houses of people using emergency rooms as daily healthcare. Absolutely no one is turned away.

Citation needed.

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Can confirm. I worked in a University healthcare system for 18 years. No one is turned away. I witnessed more gaming of the system than at a video game competition. One woman was on public assistance and got plastic surgery- she looked like Phyllis Diller. I saw the charts because she was a pain med seeker so would claim surgery pain and get meds. Oh and here in the US if you can’t afford to get to the hospital they will send vans out to get you and there are wings in our hospitals where patients can stay for free as if in a hotel just so they can access outpatient appointments. It’s unbelievable.

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I was a homeless services "rescue team" (the people in vans that look for homeless people that are so passionately exercising their rights to be homeless that they're hours away from dying in public) and a child abuse investigator for years before joining the private sector, and both of those roles involved lots of visits to emergency rooms where "people who had entered the country without terrible, evil documents" were hanging out like it was summer camp to get teeth cleaned, decongestants, band-aids, etc.

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They might not even get there. The fear of the bill would be enough to put 90% of them off even turning up. But I've read many stories over the years of health companies refusing coverage.

It happens in state systems too but tbh I'd rather Australia's system pre-2020 than the US system. NZ's system was better too although they'd taken on a bit of that 'refusal to cover' stuff. And I can't help but notice the American health companies around NZ at the moment looking like vultures (in fact they got me suspended from LinkedIn).

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The only people who are afraid of the bill are the portion of the population who have any intention of paying a bill in the first place, Rich.

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We were poor for a few years not long ago. Scrounging for cents behind the sofa. There's no way we could have afforded self funded medical care at the time.

The only ones who can decide if they're not going to pay a bill are well enough off that it is a decision.

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Are you talking about the US? Healthcare is essentially free for people without money or insurance in the US. Government programs like Medicaid, and healthcare facilities can't turn people away. All held up on the back of the middle class paying a high and ever increasing percentage of their income for health insurance.

And now the insurance companies are starting to get in on the authoritarianism too, threatening doctors that prescribe treatments like ivermectin.

It would be nice to have an alternative option!

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deletedJan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022
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Smart. People buy into these concepts then never question them again. I don’t think that’s a good thing.

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