That precise protocol kicked my covid's ass in 3 days.

The attacks on these supplements are pathetic. These are harmless naturally occurring substances unless you overdose to impractically huge levels.

And two years ago, every sane doctor knew this. The worst that would be said of them is that they were not very powerful.

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I know that pharma has been wanting to make supplements illegal for years. They want any supplements to require a prescription. I remember reading about this even 20 years ago. If that doesn't speak volumes about what this has always been about, I don't know what does.

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I have also seen several articles lately about how dangerous melatonin is!!!

And of course, I ignore them.

Glad you noticed too...

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Do we have a plan for the parallel economy? I'd like to play a part. About to lose my job over the jab, and will go into early retirement. I'm down for playing a part in the side game.

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Melatonin is really interesting. Bats have real high levels of it, allowing them to carry infections of covid and other viruses, and be immune from symptoms. Or so I've read.

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This is a link to an article about a bill that has been introduced to give the FDA greater oversight of supplements. This puts our ability to continue to obtain supplements under attack, IMO. There is a link to a petition in the article. Please read and sign the petition. Thank-you!

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